Sous la neige coral earrings

Sous la neige coral earrings
from €197.00
Material | Matière:
Stone | Pierre:
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The site LA LUEUR DE L'AUBE is a website dedicated to the sale of bespoke jewelery online.
For a bespoke jewel that you have personalized yourself, simply click on «MADE-TO-ORDER » which will include a month of manufacturing. But rest assured, there are also jewels available immediately, what we call «ORDER IN STOCK» .
You will find all kinds of jewelry. So you can highlight your tastes and desires!
- Longeur: 17 mm ( 60 mm )
- Largeur: 12 mm
- Hauteur: 7 mm
Pierre environ 5-7x 5-7 x 6-9 mm
Etant donné que les pierres sont attachées sur les fermoirs, vous avez la possibilité de porter ces boucles d'oreille sans pierres en utilisant vos propres fermoirs.
- Length: 17 mm ( 60 mm )
- Width: 12 mm
- Height: 7 mm
Stone about 5-7x 5-7 x 6-9 mm
Since the stones are attached to the clasps, you can wear these earrings without stones, by using your own clasps.
Sous la neige
Admirez nos cristaux stylisés, le travail du métal évoquant le givre et la pureté d’une neige poudreuse.
Under the Snow : Admire our stylized crystals, the metalwork evoking frost and the purity of powder snow.